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Quality, Safety and Security


For over 4 years I Praticelli srl has had a business management system certified according to the international standard UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015.

This certification was assigned to I Praticelli in 2014 following a detailed review from an external accreditation body DNV-GL. This certification according to the updated version of the internationally recognized standards, demonstrates that the quality management system of I Praticelli Srl is compliant with best practice.

Moreover, in Praticelli we consider the security of our residents and workers our most important priority.


External accreditation body DNV-GL.

The activity of the residence is organized following an integrated management system of security and fire-fighting “SGiSA” which combine all preventive fire-fighting procedures with the ones for health and safety of all spaces, guests and workers. All of our staff is properly and constantly trained to thoroughly handle emergency situations 24/7.

This standard applies to the processes which have an impact on quality and emphasises constant improvement, customer satisfaction and leadership in the organization.